Where the art is

When a potter and a designer set up home together in South London, their creative vision and eclectic approach resulted in a masterpiece. “Everything we have has a history,” says Jennifer Lee. “That’s why we don’t have comfortable sofa – this one belonged to Jake’s family.” She perches on the back of a red velvet two-seater while her husband – the artist, designer and food writer Jake Tilson – finds a comfortable hollow on the cushion below and crosses his feet, which are shod in the multi-patterned canvas boots he designed for Paul Smith. The rambling five-bedroom property provides them not only with a home but also two workspaces. It is in hers, at the back of the house, that Jennifer makes pots, exhibiting as part of the Collect event at the Saatchi Gallery. Jake, who has writer and broadcast about fish, especially eels, has a studio packed to the gills with packets, tins and bags of dried fish, labels, netting and floats... view interior feature Pin It Now!

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